Eagle Laser - 15kW in Action
Click on the movie below...The highest continuous production-ready output available, shown cutting 1/2 inch mild steel. Increasing power helps you cut thicker… and faster! Eagle offers up to 15kW, .

The Power Effect
Eagle offers the highest power in the industry, up to 15kW. Here’s the impact of adding power:
- Cycle time is the key to profitability. Faster parts increase throughput and reduce the impact of labor, lease payment, and overhead.
- Every 2kW of power increases linear cut speed by 20 to 30%, as long as your machine is quick enough.
- Get a quick machine – you’ll need high-G acceleration to take advantage of higher fiber laser power (see movies on acceleration).
- Eagle uses IPG Photonics fiber laser power sources. Market leader, inventor, innovator..

Reliability of the Eva® Cutting Head
The patented eVa cutting head is a technology leap for fiber laser reliability and performance.
- Designed for continuous operation at 15kW in production environments
- The same design is used at typical power levels of 4, 6, and 8kW
- Only 3 consumables: protective glass window, protective glass seal, and nozzle, all serviceable on machine by you
- The protective glass is an amazing 14 inches from the nozzle, so damaging hot sparks can cool off
- Features full beam control, auto-centering and cleaning, plate location detection, collision detection, and a breakaway head